Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Pucallpa May 2012: Introduction


The youth of Calleria
 Therefore we really fired up and ready to go when we arrived in Pucallpa and we had seen amazing stuff happen within the training times. However the plan of God is different from ours at times and this was the case this time. When we arrived in Pucallpa we found that many people that were supposed to come, hadn´t for many reasons, and some people had come who were not in the original plan, so to speak.  

Calleria´s main street 

Leaders from Caimito, and Junin Pablo far above
Daniel with Marcelo one of the leaders in Calleria
We had some leaders from San Juan, , leaders from Calleria, no leaders from Egipto, and leaders from churches in 2 different villages, 24 hours away by boat, called Caimito, and Junin Pablo. Therefore we had 4 churches represented and by the end of the time this had grown to 5 churches. One of the pastors is planning to move to another village in the next 6 months and plans to start a new church there, but wants to do it under our leadership. This excites and overwhelms me in equal measure as I know it is what we are called to do, but it is happening much quicker than I expected. However more exciting than the churches wishing to be under our guidance and leadership, more exciting than we are touching churches which are in the middle of the Amazon jungle, is what God did and is doing in the lives of the people and leaders in these communities, especially the women, and also the healing we saw and will continue to see.

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